Books and Publications Return to home page D.C. Oakes Family, Friends & Foe LaVonne J. Perkins, 2008. Biography of Denver pioneer D.C. Oakes covering the years 1849-1887. There are several references to Silas and his bride of 3 weeks, Hersa Coberly, and some photos, including one of Hersa's mother, Sarah Coberly Crull Start. This is a rich history of the Oakes family relying on extensive research from letters and newspapers of the day.The book can be purchased from LaVonne for $29.95 plus $5.00 shipping. Her email is and she can be contacted by phone at 303.973.9410. Finding Sand Creek Jerome A. Greene and Douglas D. Scott, University of Oklahoma Press, 2004. Presents the findings of the search for the location of the Sand Creek massacre, ending in 1999. The authors use historical studies, archaeology and interviews with descendents of Cheyenne and Arapaho participants to determine the location of the massacre. Sand Creek A novel by Kevin Cahill, 2005 Historical novel about the Sand Creek massacre that closely follows the events of the time and includes biographical material of the major participants. Mr. Cahill can be contacted at his web site "Silas Soule, His Widow Heresa, and the rest of the story", LaVonne Perkins, The Denver Westerners Roundup,vol. LV No. 2, March-April 1999, The Denver Posse of Westerners, Inc. Silas Soule A Short, Eventful Life of Moral Courage, Tom Bensing, Dog Ear Publishing, Indianapolis, IN, 2012 The most complete biography of Silas' life thus far. Mr. Bensing does an excellent job of citation. He can be reached at His web page is Return to home page |